Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day 8: Welcome to the Tropics

So, after our short stay in Sydney, we woke up this morning and hopped on a plane to take us to tropical north Queensland, and the town of Cairns (pronounced "Cans").

Our expectations of a sunny, tropical "Cancun-ish" location were somewhat dampened (excuse the pun) as we were welcomed with rain showers and thunderstorms. Hopefully the weather will clear up before we hit up the Great Barrier Reef tomorrow. I can't imagine that snorkeling in the rain will be much fun.

Aside from the weather though, Cairns is beautiful. The city is surrounded by a rainforest on one side and the ocean on the other.

Our one stop today was to the Tjapukai cultural center. Basically it's a tourist stop meant to educate people about aboriginal culture. There we were able to hear a few creation myths, as well as view and participate in boomerang and spear throwing. I learned that I'd probably not last too long in the bush. Either that, or I'd be a vegetarian. Oh well, I guess that's why someone invented gunpowder.

For dinner tonight we stopped in at a seafood restaurant along the beach. While a few people had a poor dining experience, I contend it was the best meal I've had so far.

Tomorrow we get to take a trip out to the Great Barrier Reef for some snorkeling and scuba diving. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us. Only time will tell.

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