Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 3: Packers and Producers

My apologies for the tardiness of this entry. We found ourselves in a small town last night that didn't have enough internet to go around. But, anyway, better late than never.

We woke up to a rainy morning in Melbourne, and after a quick breakfast at the hotel, we set out for the JBS/Swift plant in Brooklyn. We were cautioned not to get into too much detail, but suffice to say, there are some marked differences in the meat packing industry between the US and Australia. For example, the amount of lamb is comparable to the amount of beef processed on a daily basis.

On a side note, I've picked up on a an apparent trend in Australian beef. The normal nice grain-fed, high marbled cuts that we enjoy in the states are nowhere near what is the norm here. Contrarily, grass-fed, hormone free, very lean beef seems to be the consumer desire. There's a conception within the consumer population that all fat is bad and growth implants will cause abortions in pregnant women. The result is low-marbled, very lean, and very small cuts of beef.

But I digress. From the packing plant we headed out to our next stop of the day: Webb Black Simmentals. These guys are black simmental seedstock producer that jumped into the game about 6 years ago. Their presentation was one of the most entertaining that we've seen yet, and they were some of the most hospitable people I've ever met.

That about sums up the day's events. Tomorrow we head out to Lawson Angus Ranch--one of the stops I've been looking forward to the most. Till then, stay classy!

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