Monday, April 30, 2012

Class Wrap-Up

So, it's that time of the semester again where things are nearing their close. Finals are looming ahead like storm cloud on the horizon. A ray of sunlight that is summer is just visible beyond the gloom. It's about this time in the semester when it seems only right to take a moment to reflect upon the semester; to ponder what we've learned, what we've accomplished, and what we have to look forward to--at least, that's what the course syllabus says to do for our Australia prep class.

What I mean is that for our last assignment before we depart for the land down under is to summarize our in-class experience. So, here it goes.

Throughout the course of the semester we've been meeting on a weekly basis, in order to get a little background knowledge about the upcoming trip. The class mainly consisted of presentations delivered by the students. These presentations covered topics such as Australian history, currency, and government, as well as the what presence agriculture has in their economy. From there, we delved into different breeds of sheep and cattle that are commonly found in Australia; after all, it is technically a "Beef and Sheep Industry Tour." I was involved with presentations given over the meat industry in Australia and shorthorn cattle.

So, in the spirit of brevity, let me wrap this up with some thoughts on what I'm most looking forward to. I'm very excited to visit the Lawson Angus Ranch. The Lawson's have been in business with our family for several years now. They've visited our ranch in Ashland more than once, and so it's very exciting that I'll have the opportunity to visit their operation in Australia.

Our trip begins on May 21st, so the countdown is on! Check back then for updates of my daily activities while abroad!